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Yubo Horoscope: New Years Resolutions

3 minutes read

- Written by Yubo Team

Yubo - Horoscope New Years

It’s the new year. Time to trade out the hot chocolate for some sparkling cider, change out of your Christmas pajamas into those plastic 2023 glasses, and instead of spreading cheer, you’re focused on what’s in store for next year.

So, what will your New Year’s resolutions be this time around? That’s something you’ll have to figure out for yourself, but what we can help you with, is a few resolutions for how you’ll be spending your time on the Yubo App. Pour that cider, and find your Yubo horoscope below!

Gemini: Your Yubo resolution is to keep the same Yubo profile picture for at least 2 weeks. We get it. A new, better, and possibly more stylish photo comes along, but you keep throwing your friends a curve ball when they try to message you based on an ever-changing profile picture. Don’t stress over that pic as much, and instead just focus on having a great time on Yubo. 

Taurus: Your Yubo resolution is just to stay awake on the New Year’s live until the ball drops. Sure, you may not have made it the last few times, but just be sure to get a decent night of sleep the day before and have the coffee brewing by 9 PM. We believe in you, Taurus. But hey, no matter when you go to bed, it’ll be past midnight somewhere!

Cancer: Your Yubo resolution is just to keep having the best time on Yubo. You don’t necessarily want or need anything to change as per the typical resolutions go. You love how things are and you’re happy with the friends you have made and that’s totally okay. 

Aries: Your Yubo resolution is to swipe on Yubo less. We know that may sound a bit crazy, but you’re used to the impulsive swiping. Well, going forward, you want to make sure you’re only matching with those you’re actually interested in forming friendships with instead of swiping quickly to match with as many friends as you can. This new year is about you and prioritizing quality over quantity. 

Leo: Your Yubo resolution is to create the next great Yubo game. You love hosting game Lives, but you want to go bigger for 2023. Will it be a mimicry of charades, talent competitions, guessing games, or a mixture of every gaming component ever? We’ll be looking forward to finding out! 

Virgo: Your Yubo resolution is to collect every single Pixel. This has been an ongoing goal of yours and absolutely nothing has changed given the new year. However, if someone were to ask you for your resolution, this is the most likely one you’ll follow through with. And don’t worry, we’ll ensure the 2023 Pixels are the coolest yet! 

Libra: Your Yubo resolution is to find more Live groups. Your current friends you go Live with every week may be awesome (ok, they’re definitely awesome), but you also want to find some new groups for the days those friends aren’t online. Whether it’s through Live hopping, swiping, or the spotlight feature, you’ll be finding that perfect new addition to your Yubo life. 

Scorpio: Your Yubo resolution is to message at least 20 people every month. You’ve  gotten too comfortable with not interacting with others this past year and you’re ready to let your extroverted inner-self shine. It’s not just one-liners either, you’re aiming for full-on conversations. 

Sagittarius: Your Yubo resolution is to host more game Lives. You’ve never shied away from being on camera, but you’ve never led the Live. Now’s your chance to take a risk and put yourself out there. Maybe you’ll love hosting or maybe you’ll love those moments you create with your new friends. Believe in yourself! 

Capricorn: Your Yubo resolution is to make at least one new friend every day. Whether this requires 50 friend requests, 30 Lives, or 100 messages, you’re determined to find those friends this year. You’ve already met a lot of amazing people on Yubo, but keep pushing yourself and putting yourself out there. 

Pisces: Your Yubo resolution is to maintain the same Yubo Live group for the entire year. Schedules change and people get busy, but you want to make sure you and your friends are staying together in 2023. Every group needs a self-appointed leader to act as the glue, and a Pisces is perfect for the job

Aquarius: Your Yubo resolution is to find a new best friend! Yes, that may seem a tad bit basic, but it’s time to open up more to others. You may have a habit of being reclusive, but for this next year, you’ll try to focus on creating genuine connections that go deeper than the surface. 

On behalf of the Yubo Team, we wish you all a very happy New Year!

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